Monday, October 12, 2009

Regarding sugar...

Just noticed my dates are messed up on my blog, but I am referring to my last one referring to the pictures of foods and their sugar content ( I wanted to point out the important difference between the sugar in, say skittles, but also cookies, candy bars, etc. and fruit; while they are both simple sugars, fruit has the advantage of vitamins, minerals, and fiber; fruits are loaded in antioxidants, and benefit all the cells in your brain, nervous system, and muscles. Sweet snacks and drinks that are loaded in sugar, but have no nutritional value, are taken in as "empty calories". While they might give you an immediate burst of energy, they quickly raise your blood sugar, leaving you hungry for more, and may crowd out the nourishment you could be getting from other foods that are necessary for tissue repair, growth, and strengthening. Most fruits contain lots of water, so help you to feel fuller faster, and because it takes longer to digest, there is no drop in your blood sugar. You get a slow, steady release of energy into your muscles, so your body doesn't get a chance to store it as fat. Try to make fruit your first choice for a snack - sure there are times that only a Snickers will do, but just try to limit those occasions. Melissa