Monday, October 5, 2009

The Benefit of SOY

Okay Jason, don't stop reading...hee hee! That probably goes for a lot of you out there - you may have tried a veggie burger a long time ago (your mother might have tried to sneak one by you...) and found it to be "funny tasting". However, the soy substitutes used in foods have improved their quality, both in taste and texture; you would honestly be very impressed, and the benefits of soy are worth giving them another try. Soy protein is a complete protein, equivalent to animal protein in terms of protein quality, meaning they have all of the essential amino acids - unlike other beans - and is lower in fat, and saturated fat, than animal proteins, particularly beef. (Remember, all of the cells in your muscles, tendons and ligaments use amino acids for growth and bodily functions). Soy protein is easier on your digestive system and kidneys; while it takes approximately 16 hours to digest meat protein, soy is digested much more quickly, sometimes in as little as two hours. The importance of this is significant, because it gives your insides a rest. Your digestive system has to work very hard to digest animal proteins - good in the way that it boosts your metabolism and doesn't store much as fat, but eaten at dinner can actually contribute to a poor night's sleep because it is still hard at work at bedtime. Try substituting a couple of meat meals a week with a soy meal - there are many new flavors of veggie burgers, also ribs, corn dogs, buffalo wings - I'm not kidding! Also try soy milk (chocolate!!) - it's actually higher in protein per serving than cow's milk and mixes well in protein shakes. Have a good week - Melissa