Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Man and the Machine

There is a little picture on each of the weight machines at your gym that shows you the muscles your (supposed to be) working, and how to perform the exercise. It's not that your other surrounding muscles don't benefit to some extent, which you also want, but you don't want to ignore the specific muscle groups for which the exercise was intended. Read the little diagram, and as you perform each exercise, pay attention to whether or not you are feeling it in the muscles you should be; hold your stomach in, maintain the correct posture, and continually think about what you are doing at each point - down is as important as up, in as well as out, front and back. If not, you may find yourself working your forearms, hands, neck - stuff you don't care anything about when your flexing in front of the mirror or otherwise attempting to show off improvements in your muscular physique. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and it may take a few tries for you to master the machine - but make your hard work pay off, and learn to do it the right way. Hope you're having a good week! Melissa