Friday, October 30, 2009

Freaky Friday

Well, it's almost here - and as I promised, I haven't gotten my halloween candy that I'm passing out yet and it's a good thing! I dipped into a "few" reese's peanut butter miniatures last night, and they were so good I could have eaten the whole bag!! More on that later...anyway, I've decided to get Tootsie Roll Pops - everyone likes them, and if there are leftovers, that's great! These have only 60 calories per pop and no fat; they take several minutes to eat, and you get that fabulous little treat in the middle; they have 14 carbohydrates, and 10 grams of sugar. You could have one every day - there just isn't a better candy treat!! What should freak you out is that those little peanut butter minis each have 42 calories and 2.5 grams of fat - AND they take only seconds to devour!! So, no more for me for sure anytime soon; I'm going to steal all of the cherry Tootsie Roll pops out of the bowl and enjoy them with a clear conscience. Enjoy your weekend and your treats! Melissa

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Wicked Witch

All this rain is making my broom soggy. It's easier to be "witchy" - just stay inside, let my hair go, and put on some old black thing; cackle instead of laugh, frown instead of smile. However, this would ruin my day, and perhaps yours. If I don't keep up my workouts, I'm going to be grumpy, and you're going to pay. If I'm not exercising, I might also not be eating as healthy - if I'm feeling fat, you're really going to pay. Like it or not, it's supposed to be a wet winter - if I start to slack off now, it only gets easier to do it again. Not that it's not great to sleep in one rainy day and be lazy, but "day" is the key word. Bad habits can creep up on you; this is a great time to start keeping a log, find a new workout buddy, or try out some new equipment. Keep yourself motivated and challenged; regular exercise keeps your energy levels up and your attitude more positive - you're just going to have a better day (and everyone else will too!) Melissa

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


To get on the scale or not...hmmm, too many treats or too much magic potion, sooner or later it's gonna show up. Better to do it sooner, in my opinion. Weighing every day will help you to keep things in check - you don't want to your weight to get ahead of you, and then you start feeling like dracula instead of a smiling pumpkin. There are some that don't agree with me; yes, your weight can fluctuate 2 to 3 pounds every day due to a variety of legitimate factors, but fluctuate means go up and down, same two or three pounds, but not go up, and then up a little more. If you stay on top of it, it's a lot easier to cool it for a couple of days; by paying a little more attention to your diet and your workout, you're back within your boundaries in no time, and you'll also make yourself more aware of what your limits are. If you don't want to be frightened by what you see staring up at you in black and white, you know the tricks...Melissa

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little Friendly Competition

Train for a 5K with your best friend, your sister (or brother), your spouse, neighbor - or anyone. This might be a completely new thing for you, or a 5K somewhere you haven't been before. The fall is the perfect time to run - the weather is awesome, and there are a lot of people training for something so it's easy to find a companion. Running releases your feel-good hormones, strengthens your bones, and renews your spirit. It is your playtime; you're outside in the fresh air where you can push yourself, and running with someone challenges you to go a little faster than if you were running alone. Pick a run that's far out enough for you to be able to accomplish your goal; this may be simply completing the 5K, or it might be beating your own best time. You might even "beat" your partner, but most of all, you will have had some fun and a few laughs, and maybe even met some new friends along the way. Sign up today and hit the road! Melissa

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So tempting...

It's hard to resist the temptation of your favorite food when it's sitting right in front of you - and right now it's all that Halloween candy. If I could make a suggestion, just don't even buy any of it until Saturday; don't worry, there will be some left. When you do buy it, unless you're prepared to eat as much as you pass out, buy something you don't like (licorice, yogurt covered raisins, etc.). I know what I'm talking about, believe me. It's very true that just seeing food makes you want it; your mind starts playing games with your stomach, and you just can't take your eyes away - pretty soon you've gone through most of the little candy bars we all love. I have done it many times, so this year I'm not getting any until late in the day, and that bowl of stuff I don't really care about is all going to get passed out. For me it can be suckers or skittle-type candies; the kids will still like it, but I'll be able to hold off. Sure, my husband isn't going to like this idea, so I might get one bag of the good stuff, but then I have to be prepared to have one or two (or three!) myself. You know how it goes...have a good week! Melissa

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Man and the Machine

There is a little picture on each of the weight machines at your gym that shows you the muscles your (supposed to be) working, and how to perform the exercise. It's not that your other surrounding muscles don't benefit to some extent, which you also want, but you don't want to ignore the specific muscle groups for which the exercise was intended. Read the little diagram, and as you perform each exercise, pay attention to whether or not you are feeling it in the muscles you should be; hold your stomach in, maintain the correct posture, and continually think about what you are doing at each point - down is as important as up, in as well as out, front and back. If not, you may find yourself working your forearms, hands, neck - stuff you don't care anything about when your flexing in front of the mirror or otherwise attempting to show off improvements in your muscular physique. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and it may take a few tries for you to master the machine - but make your hard work pay off, and learn to do it the right way. Hope you're having a good week! Melissa

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ice Cream Faint Job...

...I LOVE dessert, as you all know, and I don't think about the nutrition stats when I eat it, because I would probably freak out - in fact, I know I would. I always have something on Saturday nights, and birthdays and holidays easily win out; but, fortunately for me, that's pretty much it. My advice normally to all of you is to treat yourself occasionally, but not regularly, and share when you do (although I don't do that...). However, I am going to learn to share, because I sadly read an article from Men's Health on the fifteen worst desserts in America, and one of them had EIGHTY grams of fat!! That's 720 calories of FAT - and not the good kind! My favorite thing at my favorite coffee shop has 31 grams of fat - you think I'll have THAT again with a clear conscience? Nope. It's important for you to know what's in what you're eating, splurge or not; it shouldn't keep you from having it, and enjoying it, but it will help you to share it; this way you won't overdo - or UNDO - what you are striving for - a healthy balance. Practice makes perfect, and it's time to start practicing! Melissa

Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Bananas!

Have you ever seen an unhappy monkey? No, because their favorite food is high in tryptophan, one of the amino acids that increases the release of seratonin in the brain; seratonin makes you relax, puts you in a better mood, and makes you HAPPY! Bananas help increase your brain power and make you more alert. They are the favorite fruit of athletes due to high levels of potassium; only an avocado is higher in this mineral, but it's also loaded with fat. Potassium, along with sodium, regulates the fluid balance in your system; it also helps strengthen your bones because it aids in the absorption of calcium. Bananas have many other vitamins and digestive enzymes that increase the absorption of other nutrients as well, and are easily digested by almost everyone. The banana is higher in carbohydrates due to it's low water content; it's made up of three sugars, so you get an immediate boost of energy, but some is saved for later, keeping you from getting a quick rise, and then drop, in blood sugar (which causes mental and physical fatigue). So, quick go buy a bunch - they're cheap and great when you have to "grab and go". Take them apart when you get home and they won't ripe as fast! Have a good week - Melissa

Monday, October 12, 2009

Regarding sugar...

Just noticed my dates are messed up on my blog, but I am referring to my last one referring to the pictures of foods and their sugar content ( I wanted to point out the important difference between the sugar in, say skittles, but also cookies, candy bars, etc. and fruit; while they are both simple sugars, fruit has the advantage of vitamins, minerals, and fiber; fruits are loaded in antioxidants, and benefit all the cells in your brain, nervous system, and muscles. Sweet snacks and drinks that are loaded in sugar, but have no nutritional value, are taken in as "empty calories". While they might give you an immediate burst of energy, they quickly raise your blood sugar, leaving you hungry for more, and may crowd out the nourishment you could be getting from other foods that are necessary for tissue repair, growth, and strengthening. Most fruits contain lots of water, so help you to feel fuller faster, and because it takes longer to digest, there is no drop in your blood sugar. You get a slow, steady release of energy into your muscles, so your body doesn't get a chance to store it as fat. Try to make fruit your first choice for a snack - sure there are times that only a Snickers will do, but just try to limit those occasions. Melissa

Before you give in to your sweet tooth...

A friend of mine sent me the greatest email today - if I knew how to forward it on to you I would, but I don't so you MUST go into their website and read it!! It's all of your favorite foods with a stack of sugar cubes beside it, so you can quickly see where the biggest offenders are (or aren't) - the website is, so I hope you will take the time to check it out. Hope you are having a nice hump day - the sun is out finally!! Melissa

Pucker Up!

Yeah, it's Monday, raining again, and that cupcake and chocolate chip cookies from the weekend showed up on the scale this morning...hmmm, not off to a good start. But, did you know that all it takes to turn the day around is a simple lemon? Lemons are mood boosters, and they also increase your concentration. Starting your day with a squirt of lemon acts as a tonic for your liver, and gets your digestive system going. A lemon has 33% of your daily vitamin C, so it helps to protect your immune center from colds and infections. Mixed with warm water, it's great for a sore throat (might want to add a little honey). Lemons are a natural diuretic, a stain remover, rubbed on your skin prevents sunburn (not likely that's going to happen today...); squirted on a cotton ball will stop a nose bleed, it's a great air freshener and can be added to almost anything when cooking to increase the flavor. Who new that little yellow thing could do all that! Have a good Monday - Melissa

Friday, October 9, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!!

It's a good thing I don't live in Omaha! One day it's 85 and sticky, and the today it's 55, feels like 45, cloudy and damp. It's a good day to sit by the fire and drink wine - but it's only 3:00, so I'll wait a bit - heehee...however, cold is a good thing - you burn more calories trying to stay warm, but that's only if you're cold. If it's cold outside, and you're inside sitting by a warm fire, you're probably going to gain weight. We tend to move less in the winter months - there's football, the fire, the wine in front of the fire - not to mention the holidays! So don't hibernate; look for opportunities to get outside and move around, and think about getting a couple of workout videos for the days it's too dreary to go out. You're body will try to store fat in an effort to keep your core (insides) warm, and it's up to you who wins. Enjoy your weekend! Melissa

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Your Favorite Jeans

...might have to go by the wayside. It may be time for a new pair if they are too loose, too short, too high-waisted, too whatever; if they don't look good from the back, toss them! I'm in the locker room today and everyone in there who had a daughter had been told they needed to take them jean shopping. Good thing, because they needed to go. It doesn't matter what size you are, if your clothes are ill-fitting, it won't make you feel good - or look good. There's nothing better than a great pair of jeans to boost your morale; I know all about the "if you feel good on the inside, you'll feel good on the outside" - but you'll feel a lot better if you feel good about what you have on. You eat right most of the time, and you exercise regularly; sure, you're weight might not be where you want it be, but you'll get there - the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you will make good choices - so treat yourself. Just like a swimsuit, you may have to try on fifty to find the perfect ones, but when you do, it will make your day! Have fun shopping - Melissa

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My favorite pickle!

It's a Wickle - sweet and spicy at the same time! They are the perfect thing when you're starving, wanting something crunchy with your sandwich, that you can eat while you're making it - you get ELEVEN of them for 35 calories!! You are practically not even hungry anymore by the time you get to the sandwich. They are a little hard to find, but worth the effort; they are delicious, fat-free (as are all pickles) and may help you not to reach for the chips - or at least not as many! Melissa

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Benefit of SOY

Okay Jason, don't stop reading...hee hee! That probably goes for a lot of you out there - you may have tried a veggie burger a long time ago (your mother might have tried to sneak one by you...) and found it to be "funny tasting". However, the soy substitutes used in foods have improved their quality, both in taste and texture; you would honestly be very impressed, and the benefits of soy are worth giving them another try. Soy protein is a complete protein, equivalent to animal protein in terms of protein quality, meaning they have all of the essential amino acids - unlike other beans - and is lower in fat, and saturated fat, than animal proteins, particularly beef. (Remember, all of the cells in your muscles, tendons and ligaments use amino acids for growth and bodily functions). Soy protein is easier on your digestive system and kidneys; while it takes approximately 16 hours to digest meat protein, soy is digested much more quickly, sometimes in as little as two hours. The importance of this is significant, because it gives your insides a rest. Your digestive system has to work very hard to digest animal proteins - good in the way that it boosts your metabolism and doesn't store much as fat, but eaten at dinner can actually contribute to a poor night's sleep because it is still hard at work at bedtime. Try substituting a couple of meat meals a week with a soy meal - there are many new flavors of veggie burgers, also ribs, corn dogs, buffalo wings - I'm not kidding! Also try soy milk (chocolate!!) - it's actually higher in protein per serving than cow's milk and mixes well in protein shakes. Have a good week - Melissa

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not so sure...

Okay, I did it - took a WEEK off! No going to the gym, no working out AT ALL, no sweating, raising my heart rate, seeing my fellow gym rats, etc; instead, I slept in, read the paper, stayed up late, started a new book, and fretted. Yep, this life is not for me. Sure, I'm rested (but only a little); I think I'm stiff from not moving around very much, and I don't like being out of my routine. So, in that way, this was a successful week - I can't wait to get back in the gym! I like working out; I like the way I feel (mostly when I get done!); I'm stronger and have more energy, and I love that I can have a glass of wine (or two!), and some nuts or a dessert, and not worry about the extra calories. As it was, what they say is true - you won't gain weight taking a week off, and you might even lose a little - and that's exactly what happened. But, for me, it wasn't worth it - I've decided I like my muscles bigger and stronger; the bigger they are, the more water they hold, so really that's all it is - water! Hmmm, I'll take the wine any day!! So I'll see you there crack of dawn tomorrow - have a nice evening - Melissa