Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Great American Buffalo

Lots of us out there think we are making the "smart" choice by going with a chicken breast, but I have uncovered some interesting facts. First, your body has to work harder to digest chicken than beef. Second, both lean beef and that chicken breast have at least 1/3 more calories and twice as much fat as lean ground buffalo - that's saying a lot! Buffalo, because it's more "gamey" than a cow, has more flavor than ground beef, so you'll be able to eat a smaller portion and still be as satisfied. According to the USDA, lean buffalo has more protein and more nutrients - a 3oz. portion (cooked) has as much calcium as a six ounces of milk, as much potassium as a banana, and a higher concentration of iron than lean ground beef. It is the best meat for cardiovascular health. Buffalo cooks faster because it is much leaner, so don't think you can watch the end of the game while they cook! Try them - they're cheap and they're good! Melissa