Monday, May 11, 2009

The Big Weiner Winner

Yesterday was Mother's Day, and it was a great day, start to finish! So, we're cooking out, and we have buffalo burgers, grilled chicken breasts and tube steaks - guess what was the first thing to go...yep, the weiners! These were turkey franks, they smelled great and they were a hit - straight off the grill, and half of them didn't make it to the bun! Funny thing, you would think a turkey hot dog was the best choice from a health standpoint - but guess what - this particular brand had TEN grams of fat per dog!! Out of 120 calories, NINETY of them were fat - geez! Thank goodness I didn't eat one, but, if you were here and ate one, you might not want to hear this - that means 75% of that dog was FAT! I'm bringing this to your attention because this is why you want to read the labels. Hebrew National light BEEF franks have 1.5 grams of fat in them and only 45 calories - this makes them 30% fat, which is well within the ball park (though I'm sure you won't see these at any ball game!). Enjoy what you are eating, but know what you're eating - often what sounds better isn't necessarily the "top dog"! Melissa