Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FAT (and smart!)

Sure, the wrong kind or too much will make you chubby, but the right amount of the good kind is needed by every cell in your body. Essential fatty acids (EFA's) cannot be manufactured by your body so you have to eat them; they keep you healthy, make your hair and skin look smooth and shiny, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and are critical for the development and functioning of your brain - the highest concentration of EFA's are found in your brain. Just a quick lesson (and I promise I'll be brief!) - there are two basic kinds of fatty acids, Omega 3's and Omega 6's. We hear a lot about Omega 3's; these are found in high-fat fish such as salmon or sardines (yuck), and some vegetable oils. Omega 6's are found in nuts, seeds, and other oils. While all these fats start out good, what makes them bad is when they are heated up (such as when you fry foods), causing them to become trans fats - the worst kind!! EFA's rebuild and produce new cells that the body must have to perform all of it's daily processes, so you want to make sure that this good kind of fat is 10-20% of your daily intake - and higher the intake, the healthier you are! The recommended daily allowance for fat is 30%, so you still have room to sneak in that doughnut occasionally. If you don't like fish, or don't eat it regularly (or really, even if you do) there are great supplements and I would suggest you take one daily - make sure it is one that has both Omega 3's and 6's. Try cooking with grape seed oil as it has the lowest amount of saturated fat and can be heated to a higher temperature before it loses it's health benefits. Also, as a point of reference, a 4-oz. serving of salmon (a higher fat fish) has up to 3600 mg. of Omega 3's, while a serving of cod has 300 mg - so look for the chubby guys with the big brains at the fish counter!! Melissa