Friday, May 29, 2009


It's been a funny couple of days - two of my friends were diagnosed with cancer and I spent most of yesterday and today with them in different ways. Yesterday the one friend had a biopsy to determine the type of cancer, and the biopsy came back negative for any cancer at all - it was the LAST news (but the best news!!) we expected to hear - such a happy day! The only other time I got totally unexpected news in the hospital was when I had my second son and they were going to induce labor - I tell everyone he's coming on that day and I'm there that whole day getting whatever it is they give you, and then the doctor comes in late afternoon and says it's just not going to come that day. I'm like, WHAT?? I had never heard of that; I'm already FAT and by the time the day is over I feel like what that chicken inside of of a turkey feels like - except that I'm like a sausage inside a watermelon! It was a great day when he came the following week - but I was really excited I wasn't pregnant anymore!! I wasn't one of those people who loved being pregnant... Anyway, not sure how those are related, but just so surprised, and so thrilled for my friend. Hopefully my other friend will have a positive income - we went wig shopping and I was surprised and relieved for her that they don't look like wigs; the one she chose looked just like her own hair and everyone was so patient and helpful that it just wasn't the hard day I thought it was going to be. Now I think I deserve a glass of wine, so gotta go - enjoy this beautiful weekend! Melissa