Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Is this what you feel like on Monday mornings? I know how it goes - nice dinner out, maybe Mexican food, or a barbeque, wedding, birthday - it all adds up to this. Too bad we can't just lie around in a pasture feeling good about it because that's the way we're supposed to look, but do you really want to? Have you ever looked out in the field and thought they were having fun? Nope - they're bored, and what do you do when you're bored? EAT. So, even if you splurge all weekend, Monday morning it's back to the gym, or outside for a run, or whatever it is you want to do to get you back looking like this:

It's okay to slack off on the weekends as long as you can discipline yourself to stay on track during the week; eat healthy and get your workouts in; no sleeping in, and no junk food; remember, swimsuit season is just around the corner! Melissa