This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For the girls...
Sorry I'm a little behind; I got a new computer yesterday and my nephew is in town for spring break. Anyway, girls, I have some good news and some bad news about your battle to lose, or not gain, those dreaded pounds as you get older. The good news: The Wall Street Journal ( reported today that you can hang on for dear life; the bad news: it's going to take 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week, of moderate exercise, to eat a normal diet and maintain a normal weight. Or, you can work out intensely for 30 minutes a day; problem is, intensely is harder than most people want to work out; it's either too hard, or you can't talk, or read, or you don't want to sweat, or a million other things. But this is important - it's worth it!! Women who worked out at the previously recommended rate of 30 minutes, 3-4 times per week, gained an average of 5.7 pounds per year, starting at age 45. Now, you don't have to do it all at once; split it up if you need to, but start increasing it now to avoid the "leisure suit syndrome" - you know, the elastic waistband, stretch-pant look that doesn't hide anything. Not only will you look better, but you will feel better; the better you feel, the happier you are, and the happier you are, the more energetic you are - and guess what! It DOES get easier to fit it in, and like it. So...guess where I hope I see you tomorrow - just don't pass me! Melissa