The idea of waking up one morning a year to a basket filled with chocolate in every form is what I hope heaven is like. I LOVE it all - Cadbury eggs, the little Hershey foil-wrapped solid chocolate eggs, those little hard-shelled chocolate malt eggs AND that huge solid chocolate bunny (nothing hollow for me!). Of course, these are all higher in fat and sugar than anything else in your basket, but even though peeps and jelly beans are fat free, no one really wants to eat any of those marshmallow things that stretch from one side of the basket to the other, and you can eat jelly beans all year long, so they're not that big a deal. The worst part is that you can't find anyone to trade with either, so you're stuck with those little chicks...anyway, whatever your favorites are, we will eat an average of 900 calories that day in candy. Your favorites might be different than mine and, yes, sugar is better than fat, but just remember - you can always find a jelly bean, but there won't be a Cadbury egg in sight come May. More importantly, this is a special occasion - you can do this one day, but Monday morning it's back to the scrambled egg whites. Plan for your splurge, pick what you want and enjoy it, but don't leave that basket sitting there for a week - otherwise, come the following week you won't be hopping because your tail will be too big! Melissa