If you get stressed out today, please don't pull your hair out - this time of year it's falling out fast enough as it is, and any stress you're under will only make it fall out faster. Don't think it's just age, because it can happen as early as 30; it's an old wives tale it's your mother's fault, as it's inherited from either side of your family.
The very best way to control the amount you're going to lose is to start with healthy hair in the first place, and this starts on the inside. Biotin, one of the B-complex vitamins, is the key vitamin for encouraging your hair to grow faster and longer; while it's included in a multi-vitamin, or the B-complex, you can take supplemental biotin if you're losing a lot of hair, or notice it thinning or receding. The recommended dose is 300-600mg., and since your body won't store it, you can't really take too much. It will take a little while to notice a difference, and this won't be the only way you'll benefit; biotin plays a key role in metabolizing fats, carbohydrates and proteins, converting them into the storage form of energy (glycogen) in the muscle. It aids in weight loss, controls blood sugar, and is beneficial to your nails and skin as well. Be sure that whatever brand you buy also includes MSM, which increases the hair growth phase. See you at the beauty shop! Melissa