This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's not just the dogs...
If you get stressed out today, please don't pull your hair out - this time of year it's falling out fast enough as it is, and any stress you're under will only make it fall out faster. Don't think it's just age, because it can happen as early as 30; it's an old wives tale it's your mother's fault, as it's inherited from either side of your family.
The very best way to control the amount you're going to lose is to start with healthy hair in the first place, and this starts on the inside. Biotin, one of the B-complex vitamins, is the key vitamin for encouraging your hair to grow faster and longer; while it's included in a multi-vitamin, or the B-complex, you can take supplemental biotin if you're losing a lot of hair, or notice it thinning or receding. The recommended dose is 300-600mg., and since your body won't store it, you can't really take too much. It will take a little while to notice a difference, and this won't be the only way you'll benefit; biotin plays a key role in metabolizing fats, carbohydrates and proteins, converting them into the storage form of energy (glycogen) in the muscle. It aids in weight loss, controls blood sugar, and is beneficial to your nails and skin as well. Be sure that whatever brand you buy also includes MSM, which increases the hair growth phase. See you at the beauty shop! Melissa
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bunny time...
The idea of waking up one morning a year to a basket filled with chocolate in every form is what I hope heaven is like. I LOVE it all - Cadbury eggs, the little Hershey foil-wrapped solid chocolate eggs, those little hard-shelled chocolate malt eggs AND that huge solid chocolate bunny (nothing hollow for me!). Of course, these are all higher in fat and sugar than anything else in your basket, but even though peeps and jelly beans are fat free, no one really wants to eat any of those marshmallow things that stretch from one side of the basket to the other, and you can eat jelly beans all year long, so they're not that big a deal. The worst part is that you can't find anyone to trade with either, so you're stuck with those little chicks...anyway, whatever your favorites are, we will eat an average of 900 calories that day in candy. Your favorites might be different than mine and, yes, sugar is better than fat, but just remember - you can always find a jelly bean, but there won't be a Cadbury egg in sight come May. More importantly, this is a special occasion - you can do this one day, but Monday morning it's back to the scrambled egg whites. Plan for your splurge, pick what you want and enjoy it, but don't leave that basket sitting there for a week - otherwise, come the following week you won't be hopping because your tail will be too big! Melissa
Thursday, March 25, 2010
but hey guys...
Just because that article was written for women, you need to keep yourselves in check, too. If we're going to make the effort to work out more often and watch what we eat, not only are we going to look good for ourselves, but we are also going to look good for you. We want the same thing when we look at you! If you haven't seen your feet in awhile, or had to let your belt out a notch, you're not working out hard enough either, and YOU are eating too much. By cutting back your starch portions and reducing the amount you eat at dinner (probably in half!), AND pushing yourself harder and longer at the gym, you will get the same benefits we do. You will feel better, look better, and look better to us - and you KNOW where that will get you!! Hope everyone's having a good week! Melissa
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For the girls...
Sorry I'm a little behind; I got a new computer yesterday and my nephew is in town for spring break. Anyway, girls, I have some good news and some bad news about your battle to lose, or not gain, those dreaded pounds as you get older. The good news: The Wall Street Journal ( reported today that you can hang on for dear life; the bad news: it's going to take 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week, of moderate exercise, to eat a normal diet and maintain a normal weight. Or, you can work out intensely for 30 minutes a day; problem is, intensely is harder than most people want to work out; it's either too hard, or you can't talk, or read, or you don't want to sweat, or a million other things. But this is important - it's worth it!! Women who worked out at the previously recommended rate of 30 minutes, 3-4 times per week, gained an average of 5.7 pounds per year, starting at age 45. Now, you don't have to do it all at once; split it up if you need to, but start increasing it now to avoid the "leisure suit syndrome" - you know, the elastic waistband, stretch-pant look that doesn't hide anything. Not only will you look better, but you will feel better; the better you feel, the happier you are, and the happier you are, the more energetic you are - and guess what! It DOES get easier to fit it in, and like it. So...guess where I hope I see you tomorrow - just don't pass me! Melissa
Monday, March 22, 2010
Well, I hope the winter is over!! Enough of sitting by the fireplace, having to wear all those clothes, and work out indoors. Pretend you're on spring break; put on some tanning lotion, go to the park, cut your hair...whatever makes you feel like you want to play, and get out there. You are only boosting your metabolism when you're eating or when you're exercising; you're only building muscle when you're exercising, and you're endorphins only run around and make you feel better when you're exercising. There are benefits to eating also, which we can talk about tomorrow, but today, it's Monday; the sun is out and it's going to warm up. Start you week off right, even if you only have 10 minutes. More than likely you'll stretch that into 20; tomorrow make it 30. Before you know it, it's Friday - you'll have worked out every day this week and you'll like the way you feel! Have a good week - Melissa
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Is this what you feel like on Monday mornings? I know how it goes - nice dinner out, maybe Mexican food, or a barbeque, wedding, birthday - it all adds up to this. Too bad we can't just lie around in a pasture feeling good about it because that's the way we're supposed to look, but do you really want to? Have you ever looked out in the field and thought they were having fun? Nope - they're bored, and what do you do when you're bored? EAT. So, even if you splurge all weekend, Monday morning it's back to the gym, or outside for a run, or whatever it is you want to do to get you back looking like this:
It's okay to slack off on the weekends as long as you can discipline yourself to stay on track during the week; eat healthy and get your workouts in; no sleeping in, and no junk food; remember, swimsuit season is just around the corner! Melissa
It's okay to slack off on the weekends as long as you can discipline yourself to stay on track during the week; eat healthy and get your workouts in; no sleeping in, and no junk food; remember, swimsuit season is just around the corner! Melissa
Friday, March 12, 2010
I'm tired...
This is all we're going to hear next week because of daylight savings; it won't matter if you go to bed an hour earlier, sleep an extra hour, or party all night - it just takes a few days for your body to adjust to the time change. Take some melatonin (2.5mg) for five days - start Saturday if you get this email in time; it resets your body time naturally. This will help, but what will also help is to remember that Spring is FINALLY here. Flowers, spray tanning, flip flops, running outside with hardly anything on, and lots of other stuff. Hurry and get out there; don't lay around - that will NOT energize you! Before you know it, the dog days of summer will be here, and that's the time to lay around (preferably by a pool with a margarita!!). Have a nice weekend and don't forget to set your clocks FORWARD! Melissa
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I tried to tell you...
A friend of mine is in town this week - as she was exactly one year ago. We had pretty much the same conversation - "I need to lose weight, I don't like the way I look, what exercises can I do for my arms...stuff like that. Normal stuff, but the same old stuff. We had created a plan for her, I had given her some options for meals, and of course I encouraged her to start exercising - which she did, for two weeks. Now here we are again. Do you want to be where you are today a year from now? Most of us don't; this isn't to say we aren't happy now, but a year from now, we want to be in a different place - more fit, feeling good about ourselves, and pleased with our success from the previous year. But, you can't get there by doing the same thing you did last year - you have to constantly challenge yourself, encourage yourself, and surround yourself by other people that want the same things as you do. It's not enough to say you want something, unfortunately; you have to support yourself by taking action. The Jolly Green Giant didn't get that way overnight; at one time he was just a little pea. If a pea can do this, just think what you can do! Melissa
Monday, March 8, 2010
Don't give up now!!
You might be thinking your first week didn't go so well, but HOPEFULLY this will be a better week. There are always going to be excuses for missing a workout or having too much good food, but that's life - and it's more likely to happen than not. But you can't give up hope that you're not going to reach your goals - you have to keep trying to work out regularly, eat better, and get more sleep. You'll get there, because everything you DO helps. But doing it is only half the battle - your mind has to be willing also. If you think you can do it, you will; if you don't think so, you won't. Your mind controls your thoughts, and thoughts control your actions; the way you improve is to make up your mind that you are going to be positive, do your best, and make changes that make you feel better, both physically and emotionally. If you find yourself giving up, think about what you want to feel like a week from now, a month from now, or even tomorrow - what you decide today WILL determine how you'll feel tomorrow. Put a list of goals on your refrigerator, or your bathroom mirror, or your dashboard; remind yourself about the things that are important to you, the things you want to improve on and the changes you want to make - a positive attitude goes a long way towards making yourself successful (and HAPPY!); don't aim for perfection, but aim for improvement! Have a great week - Melissa
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
That damn treadmill...
Somebody at the gym was cussing out their treadmill yesterday - somebody didn't have a good attitude...This is probably a good time to take off, sleep in and give your muscles a rest. Attitude is everything, particularly when you have to get up early to get a workout in, or squeeze one in between appointments, or come home after a long day and get a late one in. This may be your only "free" time; your chance to get outside in the fresh air, share a few laughs with your running buddy, or even take some time to yourself, and just let your endorphins take over. If the "want to" isn't there, then the "can do" isn't going to be that great anyway - you'll end up with a slow run, a half-assed workout in the gym, or lazy pilates class. Call it a day, and start over tomorrow - or the next day. That smile on your face shows you and everyone else you're having a good time, you're energized, and you are glad to be there - and that's contagious! Melissa
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I forgot about the five-bite rule today - and it's only March 2nd!! Man, I'm not off to a good start...of course, my excuse was a birthday party, carrot cake and the BEST cream cheese icing ever - I was beside myself! In fact, I didn't even remember about the rule until just now. This was after I said I didn't do this stuff during the week! Just goes to show you that you can make all the plans in the world, and be sincere in your efforts, and they both can evaporate in seconds. But it would be silly to think I totally screwed up - I mean, between yesterday and today I've had six meals, which means I was making the right choices 80% of the time. There has to be room in every week to have a few of your favorite things; if you deprive yourself too much you just end up thinking about what you're eating (or not eating!), which usually leads to overeating. It's just a matter of finding the right balance, picking the opportunities that are the most important to you, and then be willing to forego the stuff you don't care that much about - or even, making a Tuesday a Friday (oh, don't we wish!). Hope you're having a good week - Melissa
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