Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tis the Season

Don't panic - it's nothing to do with Santa; it's the beginning of APPLE season! They are great anyway, but here's why they are PERFECT: 1) they are crunchy, which actually makes you feel like you are eating something; 2) they cut your appetite, so when you are starving an hour before dinner, a medium apple has only 80 calories, lots of fiber so very filling, and truly will help you to eat less; 3) they are easily portable, so great for lunches or snacks (with some peanut butter or cheese); and 4) they are portion-controlled! Because of the fiber and water, an apple expands in your stomach, satisfying your immediate hunger with a lot fewer calories and fat than, say, a handful of peanuts (and who ever has just one??). You can find apples anywhere; there are over 200 varieties and they all taste a little different, so next time you need something quick, do yourself a favor and have an apple! Melissa