Monday, September 21, 2009

Just wondering...

I didn't get to watch the Emmys last night because the Cowboy game was on, so I'm catching up on my ironing and watching it now - and I would LOVE to know what all these girls have on under their dresses...they can't all look this perfect! This is a little "catty", I know, but can you just imagine all the spanx, stickies and tape! I must say, most of the girls looked great - beautiful, in fact - so whatever they did, it worked; the unfortunate few who were stuffed, squeezed or otherwise forced into a dress that was obviously too small need to get a new stylist; you'd think it would be impossible to look bad after all the time, effort and money that goes into getting ready for one of these shows! But it does prove that anyone can make a fashion mistake - that's why you want to take your best friend (or your mom!) with you, or listen to your inner self when you need to look your best. Any sign of doubt from any of them, put it back and keep looking. Don't ask your dad - he won't want to hurt your feelings - and don't ask the sales person (they'll always tell you you look "amazing"...). But, I was wondering, do guys ever wear that stuff underneath? We probably don't really want to know that, and they don't either!! Anyway, have a nice evening - I'll be watching the fashionistas rip everyone apart tonight (no football for me, although I was proud of my team Saturday night!) Melissa