Monday, July 13, 2009

Try Something New

It took a long time for me to appreciate and value any form of exercise that was slow and controlled, more to do with strenghthening and flexibility than cardiovascular and speed, and involved mental concentration and an awareness of your inner physical self - not to mention something low impact (and did I say SLOW??). I have been taking Pilates regularly now for about 3 months - in no more than two weeks I had definition in my torso I have NEVER had before! In addition, the abdominals are flatter and stronger - in a way I can actually feel. Pilates involves your whole body; it is slow, continuous movement starting from the muscles along your spine and your deepest abdominal muscles, and works to improve your flexibility and posture while reducing stress and tension through regular breathing - challenging your mind and body to work together to make you look, feel and perform better. Take advantage of a mat class, and give it a try - you'll thank me! Have a good week - Melissa