Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lethargic and Lazy

I've had to force myself to work out this week, which is very unusual for me - and most everyone around me has felt the same way. The humidity is high, it's hot and sticky, and we're all sweating like pigs - who WOULD want to work out!! But, we have to to anyway, because honestly, you feel SO much better when you're done and you won't have that guilty conscience later in the day. The MOST important thing to remember is to drink a LOT of water - even when you don't feel thirsty. We drink enough to quench our initial thirst, but you most likely don't drink enough to replace all the water you have lost. Your body is approximately 70% water; it is the primary transporter of nutrients into your cells and toxins out of your body. When you get dehydrated, your blood thickens and doesn't flow properly; the thirst center of your brain gets a signal that it needs a drink; when it doesn't get enough, sodium levels are increased, you start to retain water, and the toxins in your body aren't eliminated. This causes you to fatigue more easily, get more headaches, and have increased muscles soreness. Because water keeps organs and joints moist, your risk of developing arthritis increases - at any age. The more active you are, the more water you need; the more hot and humid it is, the more water you need; the older you are, the more water you need (as you age, your body decreases the amount of water it keeps in reserve - that's one reason your skin WRINKLES!!). So, instead of drinking one glass of water at a time, drink two. The way you look and feel reflects your internal health, and water is the best medicine - and motivator! Melissa