Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Relax and Eat

My little dog INHALES his food; every day he just can't wait to eat - he stands at the back door while I fill his bowl and then he barks and jumps around like I haven't fed him in three days until I set his bowl down. I swear that food is gone in ten seconds, and he has no idea whether it was steak or dry dog food. A lot of us eat that way - or maybe not quite, but you get the idea. Slowing down while you eat is beneficial in a lot of ways, but primarily it allows you to fully enjoy your meal because you are more relaxed, it helps you to digest your food better because you are taking the time to chew it, and you will eat less because you give your stomach time to signal your brain that you have had enough - this takes about 20 minutes. Give this a try tonight - take a bite, chew it thrououghly before you swallow, and then put your fork down and take a sip of water. This might take a little practice (I'd never get my dog to do this) but you'll find yourself eating less and enjoying it more. Not only will it keep you from overeating, but you'll sleep better too because your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest your dinner. (And if you take that dog for a walk, it will help to settle your dinner even more!) Melissa