This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pray for Rain!
I'm DREADING tomorrow night - a friend of ours is turning 50 and we're going on a martini cruise to "celebrate"; I'm getting seasick just thinking about it. I love looking at the water, sticking my feet in it, or floating around in a pool; however, when it comes to the big stuff I want to be on dry land. A lot of this is mind-induced, I know; the brain knows things are supposed to be still and gets confused and stressed out by the up and down motion (I have a really big brain, so this is not good...). I'm not the only one like this, and it's not just wimps that get seasick. I remember one fishing trip from hell I was on with my husband and two boys - the one son who just completed an ironman was right there along with with me doing you-know-what (he'll deny it to this day, but it's true). For sure I will start taking ginger tonight - a spice long know for settling an upset stomach; tomorrow morning I'm at the drugstore buying an acupuncture wristband - maybe two! This way, by tomorrow night (if it's not raining) you will find me sitting in the middle of the boat, staring at the horizon, drinking a coke (just what the books tell you to do) - NO WAY am I having a martini - unless, of course, that wristband really works - I'll let you know on Friday!! Melissa