Monday, June 15, 2009

I had to ask!

I asked my youngest son what his favorite meal was and he said it was boiled sausage and macaroni and cheese. I'm like, what? You really eat that?? I just thought maybe as he's gotten older and he's been around me so much, that sooner or later he'd start eating more healthy - or at least lie and say he did. It's so unfair - he's young, slender, hates to work out and eats stuff like this all the time; he was home for four days and he ordered something fried every time we went out - with fries! I've always wondered what it would be like to eat like that - anything you wanted - fried, with fries, two days in a row (or always), and still be thin. Would I eat like that - I don't know, it's been so long, but I think not. Fortunately, fried food doesn't even sound good to me (well, maybe a french fry here and there); it smells good, but I'm not tempted enough to eat it. My thing is sweets, but I'm not tempted daily - there isn't a fast food bakery on every corner and none of my friends eat like that, so I'm not around it very often. However, if the smell of fried food leads you to eat it more than the occasional splurge, here are a few tricks to help keep you on the right path: 1) eat every three hours - don't let yourself get too hungry, or your willpower will not be there when you need it; 2) drink a lot of water - many times when you think you are hungry, you are really thirsty - your brain sends the same signal out and your stomach might be confused; 3) distract yourself - do something else for 20 minutes and you might forget; 4) go exercise - fatty food is the last thing you want about two minutes into a hard workout; and 5) keep healthy food around; if you have to get in your car and drive somewhere, hopefully it will be too much trouble. There will still be a time when you really, really want that fried shrimp - and you should have it - just plan for it and enjoy it (and maybe don't tell me!). Melissa