This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's all in what you think!
I have a chubby small dog - he's supposed to be a toy fox terrior, but he must have been the runt, because he looks like a potbellied pig. Our vet says he's got that little stout body type and he's always going to be this way; he'll never look like a toy anything and he couldn't care less. Pudge (that's his name) has no idea what he's supposed to look like - he's the happiest little dog and thinks he's a Lab or something; he's in charge - he has a lot of self-confidence and he knows he's cute - and uses it to his advantage. Why can't we be like that? Your brain interprets what you think of your physical appearance by what you perceive your appearance to be to others - this is your body image. Start today by changing that perception to what YOU think of yourself. You have qualities that are unique to you - focus on these (make a list if you need to and keep it where you can see it!). You are in charge of your attitude - no one can make you feel badly unless you let them. Decide that you are going to have a good day - this is the first step. Do the best you can - work out, eat healthy, put on something you feel good in and smile; do this every day and YOU'LL feel like a big dog! Have a good week - Melissa