Friday, June 26, 2009

It's still hot out there...

Well, it's Friday, it's been a long week, and we're all ready to relax. Hopefully you can find a pool with some cool water, in the shade (and a margarita...) - the shade is going to be the hard part!! I read an article today in a beauty newsletter that I get regarding sunscreen; I know everyone has heard all this before, but a reminder never hurt so I copied it for you. Whether you are in the pool, on the golf course, or in your car - anywhere you will be in the sun - you have to remember to put it on regularly. Obviously the risk of skin cancer is the most important issue, but wrinkled, spotty skin is right up there - here is a quick formula for determining your individual need:
Your Level of Sunburn Risk x by the SPF Rating = Safe Sun Exposure for Your Skin Color
The SPF number is a rating that determines how long you can stay in the sun without burning when you wear that product without needing to reapply it. It does not indicate quality of protection, just length of time. Here's how to do the math. If you have:
Level 1 skin (very fair)
That means you usually get a burn in about 15 to 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. Determining your skin's response to various SPF ratings works like this:
SPF 15 x 20 minutes = 300 minutes (5 hours) of protection
SPF 30 x 20 minutes = 600 minutes (10 hours) of protection
SPF 45 x 20 minutes = 900 minutes (15 hours) of protection
Level 2 skin (fair to light)
That means you usually get a burn in about 30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. Determining your skin's response to various SPF ratings works like this:
SPF 15 x 30 minutes = 450 minutes (7.5 hours) of protection
SPF 30 x 30 minutes = 900 minutes (15 hours) of protection
SPF 45 x 30 minutes = 1,350 minutes (22.5 hours) of protection
Level 3 skin (light to medium/olive)
That means you usually get a burn in about 40 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. Determining your skin's response to various SPF ratings works like this:
SPF 15 x 40 minutes = 600 minutes (10 hours) of protection
SPF 30 x 40 minutes = 1,200 minutes (20 hours) of protection
SPF 45 x 40 minutes = 1,800 minutes (30 hours) of protection
Level 4 skin (medium to tan)
That means you usually get a burn in about 60 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. Determining your skin's response to various SPF ratings works like this:
SPF 15 x 60 minutes = 900 minutes (10 hours) of protection
SPF 30 x 60 minutes = 1,800 minutes (30 hours) of protection
SPF 45 x 60 minutes = 2,700 minutes (45 hours) of protection
Level 5 and Level 6 skin (brown to dark brown or black)
That means you usually get a burn in about 120 minutes (2 hours) of unprotected sun exposure. Determining your skin's response to various SPF ratings works like this:
SPF 15 x 120 minutes = 1,800 minutes (*30 hours) of protection
SPF 30 x 120 minutes = 3,600 minutes (60 hours) of protection
SPF 45 x 120 minutes = 5,400 minutes (90 hours) of protection
*Note that level 5 and 6 skin should do just fine with a well-formulated sunscreen rated SPF 15. However, liberal application is still important. If you do not think you'll be applying the sunscreen as liberally as you should, consider a sunscreen rated SPF 30.
Have a nice weekend and stay cool! Melissa