Friday, April 10, 2009

No wonder I'm so smart...

I absolutely love champagne, and I just today read that it actually helps to protect your brain from injuries and restore full brain function when damaged. There is a particular type of polyphenol in champagne that is different from wine - these are the antioxidants that destroy free radicals that attack cells in your body - but these prevent cell death in your brain, and have the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier and benefit your entire central nervous system. These polyphenols act as an anti-inflammatory in a way that helps to clean up and remove dangerous chemicals from your blood. Just think how lucky the mice were that got in THAT study!! Hey, by the way, as you celebrate Easter, remember not to pop the cork - you only upset the champagne and cause it to spill over the top, therefore wasting precious bubbly. Instead, turn the cork slowly and just let it sort of "whisper" as it's opened. Have a safe and happy holiday! Melissa