Friday, April 17, 2009

Another rainy weekend...

I know most of you will be tempted to sleep in tomorrow morning - it's Saturday, it will be's just too tempting. So - sleep in, enjoy the paper, have a cup of coffee. In fact, have three - you won't believe all that caffeine can do for you!! That first cup of coffee stimulates your central nervous system, and this in turn increases your dopamine levels (the pleasure center of your brain); you become alert, full of energy, and you feel great - so great that you want to head to the gym - who cares if it's raining! That coffee increases your metabolism and breaks down fat into fatty acids - these are used IMMEDIATELY for energy, saving your glucose stores for later. You can exercise longer and faster, with less exertion, and you'll recover faster. AND - guess what else! Not only does caffeine improve your physical performance - it also improves your mental performance. Remember, your brain only functions on glucose (stored carbohydrates used for energy). If you are burning fat for energy instead, you are maintaining higher levels of glucose in your body for a longer period of time, so your brain is constantly being fed - not only will you be in great shape, just think how smart you are too!! Enjoy your "sleep in" and have a nice weekend! Melissa