Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And last but not least...

Okay, so the third of the three exercises that will together use all the muscles in your body is the stationary lunge. You'll want to do this on a hard surface - tile or wood, and you will need a hand towel. Start in a standing position, hands on your hips, and your right foot standing on the towel; SLOWLY slide the right foot back as you lower your left knee to a 90 degree angle (you should feel this most in the muscle on top of your left leg (the quad). As you come back up, concentrate on squeezing your left glute (butt) muscle, as well as the back of your leg (hamstring); your whole left leg should be working to bring you back to a standing position, but you will feel it the most in these two muscles. Try for two sets of 10, alternating feet - and remember, slowly down and slowly up. There you have it - these three exercises and a 3-mile run or walk will have you proudly strolling around the pool this summer! Melissa