Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's never too late!

Whether you are in your 20's, 30's, 50's or 80's, you can make life choices that will affect your health and longevity. You may think you are limited as you get older, but there is PLENTY that you can do - even at 80! You can make decisions right now that will have immediate positive consequences in how you feel about yourself, both physically and mentally. In your 20's you may not give much thought to this, but as early as 30 years old, your metabolism begins to slow down, and you will lose 1/2 pound of muscle a year (and add 2.6 pounds of FAT) unless you are getting regular exercise - these figures only get bigger as you get older and your metabolism slows even more. The best way to avoid this is to develop some good habits in your 20's, and build on these; most of us, however, did not have the benefit of all the health and nutrition information, gyms, healthy foods, etc. that are readily available now. The good news is that you can start whenever (today is a good time!) and you will see improvements within two weeks of working out and eating better - and you will actually FEEL better within three days!! Simple things such as remembering to stand and sit up straight can make a huge difference - what you train your body for now is what you can expect from it down the road. You have to prepare yourself - make time for cardio, do some resistance training and start eating better. You may be a little sore at the beginning, but as you get stronger you will prevent all sorts of injuries later. It's a decision - how tall, strong and healthy do YOU want to be when you grow up? Melissa