Monday, August 3, 2009


Stress is impossible to avoid - we all feel it on a daily basis in some way or other. Some of us handle it better, and some of us have less than others - maybe because some handle it better, or maybe they just got lucky. But it is a part of life, so if you can teach yourself to recognize it and respond appropriately, you will feel better physically and mentally. When you feel stressed, your heart rate increases, your muscles tense, and your metabolism speeds up. You don't digest your food as well, so you don't get their nutrients, primarly your B vitamins, magnesium and potassium - things that are already lost when you sweat in this heat - and you get tired and grumpy. This is the time to really watch your diet - things that are hard to digest anyway are even harder now. This includes artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, red meat and pork, foods that are heavily spiced, dairy products and caffeine. If you are not taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, now is a good time to start - and you might take a Vitamin B Complex also to help with your stress. Learn some ways to avoid the things that make you uptight - give yourself some extra time, go a different route, make new friends, go to a baseball game. Take some deep breathes, laugh at yourself, take a day off - you might have to practice not feeling stressed if it's become a habit, but you'll enjoy yourself more and everyone else will enjoy you more! Have a good week - Melissa