Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A few more ideas for avoiding stress...

Man, I'm so glad my computer's fixed...my stress level would be pretty low, except my baby boy is getting married next week and I've gained two pounds - it's the two pounds I'm really uptight about, but I have a plan!! One of the best ways to reduce stress is to work out HARD for over 30 minutes; a side benefit is that your heart rate stays elevated for an hour and a half afterwards, so pound it out, reduce your stress, AND drop a couple of extra pounds (yeah!). Smiling always lowers your stress levels - it's very hard to smile with a frown on your face, and others will respond much more warmly to your happy self. Take the scenic route home from work; it may take a little longer, but it will give you a chance to relax, listen to your favorite music, and give you a bigger perspective on what's going on around you. Focus on someone or something other than yourself - remember, it's not all about you, and you can make someone's day with a simple complement or a helping hand. Okay, off to the gym!! Melissa