This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Dinner Cure for Wrinkles!
Sorry this is so late - I've been having computer about something that will give you more wrinkles!! Anyway, we are going out for sushi tonight - celebrate the big birthday, have some cake, maybe a little wine - what a great way to end the week!! AND, tomorrow when I wake up, I'LL look like I'm thirty because I'll have eaten all that seafood, with a little avocado mixed in, and dipped in that spicy Asian sauce I love - just think, all those essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants mixed together! I didn't always look forward to sushi - I don't like to smell or eat raw fish, and it's was always hard to watch someone eat that seared tuna. BUT - now that I know all it does for me on the inside, and that it doesn't have to be raw, I have changed my mind. I always encourage everyone to try something new, even though I'm hesitant myself, but now I'm SO glad I did. How about you try something new this weekend?? See you Monday! Melissa