This blog is for my friends - and their friends - a resource for random comments mostly focused on nutritional information, but would include related areas of overall health, exercise and attitude. I am dedicated - and have always been - to helping anyone who asks about any of these subjects, and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. So, ask away...m.
Monday, August 24, 2009
It's Almost Here!!
Well...the big wedding is one week away!!! AND, I lost those two pounds!! Not sure which I'm more excited about (just kidding!). So, I am going to take this week off, focus on wedding stuff, dream about wedding cake, and relax by the pool at this gorgeous spot where it's all happening. I will see you next Monday - enjoy your week off, too! Melissa
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Stress Eating
We've all done it - have a bad day, come home and jump in the chips and dip or a bag of cookies in front of the TV, and just pray there is something on that's good enough that we can forget about whatever happened. However, these kinds of food just add to your level of stress in the long run - simple, sugary, high-carbohydrate junk food may intially give you a boost, but ends up causing you to be more sluggish; it's usually higher in salt, causing you to feel puffy and bloated, and all of it leads to weight gain, which has never been known to help anything (at least as far as I know!). Honestly, the best thing you can do is to fix yourself a healthy meal with some lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and a lot of vegetables (green, yellow, and orange). The protein and carbohydrates will stabilize your blood sugar and give you some tryptophan - an amino acid that will calm you down. The vegetables help your body to release seratonin, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood, appetite and sleep. By doing this, you'll wake up the next morning to a new day, well rested and feeling better about things. Start your day with a breakfast of orange juice, oatmeal, an egg and a cup of coffee (not too much or you'll get all jittery and be in the same boat you were in last night!!) - this is a perfect anti-stress meal to begin your day, and follow it with several small meals to maintain your blood sugar and self-control throughout the day. And...don't forget your workout! Melissa
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wrinkles, Stress, and Ironing
Hmmm...this might be a stretch, but if you've been reading along, last week was all about wrinkles and this week all about stress (even though it's only Wednesday). Anyway, turns out, they're connected because one of the greatest ways to relieve stress is to IRON - and guess what that gets rid of - bingo! Repetitive motion sets your brain on autopilot, which allows it to block out stressful thoughts (yard work, vacuuming, walking the dog - same kind of thing - AND you get immediate, positive results: your stress levels go down, you start to relax, and before you know it, the work is all done (the dog goes to sleep and quits bugging you to walk him). I actually like to iron - I'm a little ADD, so seeing those wrinkles disappear right away is so rewarding. The only bad part is that ironing only burns 120 calories an hour, so I'll have to iron for 60 hours to lose that two pounds before the wedding...oh no, I'm starting to get stressed again - just kidding! See you tomorrow - Melissa
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A few more ideas for avoiding stress...
Man, I'm so glad my computer's stress level would be pretty low, except my baby boy is getting married next week and I've gained two pounds - it's the two pounds I'm really uptight about, but I have a plan!! One of the best ways to reduce stress is to work out HARD for over 30 minutes; a side benefit is that your heart rate stays elevated for an hour and a half afterwards, so pound it out, reduce your stress, AND drop a couple of extra pounds (yeah!). Smiling always lowers your stress levels - it's very hard to smile with a frown on your face, and others will respond much more warmly to your happy self. Take the scenic route home from work; it may take a little longer, but it will give you a chance to relax, listen to your favorite music, and give you a bigger perspective on what's going on around you. Focus on someone or something other than yourself - remember, it's not all about you, and you can make someone's day with a simple complement or a helping hand. Okay, off to the gym!! Melissa
Monday, August 17, 2009
I think it's fixed!
Well, keep your fingers crossed - I've been having computer problems for several days; luckily I know an expert, so hopefully we can continue. Anyway, this is the perfect lead in to what I was going to talk about today: STRESS! Computer problems and traffic are pretty much the worse kind, because you can't do anything about either one of them - or at least I can't! As I was waiting on my computer to be fixed, I happened to read an article from Men's Health on 31 ways to control stress - I got through six of them while he fixed my computer, which shows either how minor my problem was, or how little I know about computers - or both...but here are the first six: 1) take extra Vitamin C - it's stops the secretion of stress hormones; 2) take a deep breath - put a reminder somewhere that you'll see it often (phone, steering wheel, bathroom) and breathe deeply, then let it out slowly; 3) get a dog - maybe not the kind I have - he's a little jumpy (not the fat one I usually talk about, but the other one) - they love to walk, they're always happy to see you, and they like whatever you fix them for dinner; 4) drink coffee with your friends - be more social without spending too much money; 5) shake out your hands, which forces you to relax your upper body; and 6) listen to boring music - it will really lower your stress level. More tomorrow - don't you feel better already?? Have a good week - Melissa
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Here they are again...
If you woke up this morning and you had way more wrinkles than yesterday, it probably means you slept on your stomach, which also means your face was pretty much stuffed in the pillow. By doing this, gravity has pulled everything forward, which causes more wrinkles; gravity sucks - in every way, but in this particular instance it can be avoided by simply sleeping on your back. Your hair is on the back of your head for a reason - it's covering up wrinkles that you can't see, so you (and everyone else) think you look great! It's the same reason they put your butt in the back - what you can't see, you don't worry about as much...really!! Melissa
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Computer Problems!!
Sorry for leaving you all to fend for yourselves for most of last week, but my computer is on the blink and I'm not very technical...actually, not at all!! Hopefully can be resolved before Monday! Melissa
The Dinner Cure for Wrinkles!
Sorry this is so late - I've been having computer about something that will give you more wrinkles!! Anyway, we are going out for sushi tonight - celebrate the big birthday, have some cake, maybe a little wine - what a great way to end the week!! AND, tomorrow when I wake up, I'LL look like I'm thirty because I'll have eaten all that seafood, with a little avocado mixed in, and dipped in that spicy Asian sauce I love - just think, all those essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants mixed together! I didn't always look forward to sushi - I don't like to smell or eat raw fish, and it's was always hard to watch someone eat that seared tuna. BUT - now that I know all it does for me on the inside, and that it doesn't have to be raw, I have changed my mind. I always encourage everyone to try something new, even though I'm hesitant myself, but now I'm SO glad I did. How about you try something new this weekend?? See you Monday! Melissa
More about wrinkles...
Well, it looks like this week is all about wrinkles, but you'll thank me in the end. I'm always emphasizing the benefits of exercise, but there's one more: when you exercise, you increase blood flow, and this brings oxygen to your skin. So, exercise not only makes you FEEL youthful, it helps you to LOOK youthful; when you hit the gym tomorrow, even though it's hot, or you didn't get enough sleep tonight, or you drank too much wine (uh oh...), just remember about how much younger you're going to look when you get done! I'll see you there! Melissa
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Secret Weapon
My oldest son is turning 30 this week - wow, how did THAT time go by so fast! And if he's thirty, then I'm - well, I'm not telling you, but it's getting up there!! Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are my new best friends - salmon, nuts and avocados are at the top, but salmon is king of the hill. While it is one of the fattier fish we eat, this provides us with a natural lubricant and moisturizer for our skin, plumping it up and hiding WRINKLES!!! It also spoils the fun of free radicals inside our body, and together with being an excellent source of protein, maintains a healthy body on the inside, making us look more radiant on the outside. Salmon is particularly high in B vitamins, known to reduce stress and raise energy levels. And last, don't forget Omega 3's make you smarter!!! (Of course, I'm mostly about the wrinkle part these days, but being smarter too is such a, don't wait another day!! One serving size (3 1/2 ounces) is 150 calories, and 6-9 grams of fat; the more red (King, Sockeye) are higher in fat - but also moisture - and Coho and pink a little less; canned salmon is usually pink, and PERFECT for lunches or travelling. Your welcome! Have a good week, Melissa
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A New Find
I love dessert - rich, goopey chocolate is the best; I've also always loved P.F. Chang's - atmosphere, food, wine list - it's all good. But now, they are even better because they have added a smaller version of their favorite dessert to the menu just for me!! Just kidding, but I'm so happy! Their Great Wall of Chocolate, which is normally 1,390 calories and 61 (!!!) grams of FAT is now in a 150 calorie serving and only 5 grams of fat! Finally, I can have a whole piece by myself (I've been known to do it anyway...) and I'm not giving up a day's worth of fat or my conscience when I have it. I'll also tell you that Hershey's has come out with little minatures of dark chocolate - only 45 calories, and they're perfect when you just have to have some chocolate - I think it's a girl thing...anyway, hope you're having a good week - Melissa
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
It Has To Work For You!
Well, there is another new diet book out - I'm not going to say the name because unless I'm 100% behind something, I don't want to get myself in trouble. But you'll hear about it - it's all over the news - basically, you're overweight because you don't have enough self-discipline to lose it. Terrific - how easy is that! If it were just that simple to fix, we'd all be at our perfect weight!! Of course, it does involve self-discipline, but it also involves having a support group of friends, a good exercise program, the right balance of healthy foods, and the time to incorporate it all successfully to get the results you want - and probably a few other things. Every book has a valid point (or several) - this one is rather stern, but may work for some people - good for them! But it might not work for you, and it might even set you back. Please don't get that discouraged!! There is a plan out there for you, one that you can do. You might need to get some help from a dietician to help you go through the various programs, and you may have to try a few different ones to find the right one, but there is one out there for you. You might even have to combine a few - life changes every day, and your plans may have to change with it - but you can reach your goal. You can start today! Melissa
Monday, August 3, 2009
Stress is impossible to avoid - we all feel it on a daily basis in some way or other. Some of us handle it better, and some of us have less than others - maybe because some handle it better, or maybe they just got lucky. But it is a part of life, so if you can teach yourself to recognize it and respond appropriately, you will feel better physically and mentally. When you feel stressed, your heart rate increases, your muscles tense, and your metabolism speeds up. You don't digest your food as well, so you don't get their nutrients, primarly your B vitamins, magnesium and potassium - things that are already lost when you sweat in this heat - and you get tired and grumpy. This is the time to really watch your diet - things that are hard to digest anyway are even harder now. This includes artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, red meat and pork, foods that are heavily spiced, dairy products and caffeine. If you are not taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, now is a good time to start - and you might take a Vitamin B Complex also to help with your stress. Learn some ways to avoid the things that make you uptight - give yourself some extra time, go a different route, make new friends, go to a baseball game. Take some deep breathes, laugh at yourself, take a day off - you might have to practice not feeling stressed if it's become a habit, but you'll enjoy yourself more and everyone else will enjoy you more! Have a good week - Melissa
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