Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Simple Smile

Yesterday I read an article in the Dallas Morning News (www.dallasnews.com/) on SMILING! Smiling not only makes you a happier person, it makes everyone around you happier, AND you live longer! The study had been done on photos of baseball players who started playing before 1950; those with the biggest smiles lived an average of five years longer than other players. Of course, you're thinking, heck, if YOU'D played baseball for a living, you'd be smiling too!! But it's true - smiling makes you happier by improving your mood (it's the EASIEST way to improve your mood!); it releases endorphins (your feel good hormones), and boosts your seratonin levels (neurotransmitters in your brain that send messages to your body to put a smile on your face). People want to be around people that are happy, and smiling is contagious; you're more attractive when you smile, it lowers your stress, and helps you to stay positive. The best news is that it's so easy to do; in fact, do it right now! Melissa