Monday, April 5, 2010

The Eyeball

It's the same whether you're looking at the green from wherever your ball is at the moment, or guessing someone's age, or pouring a bowl of cereal (or, in my case, a glass of wine, haha!) - we underestimate because that's in our favor. Then we get mad because the ball is two inches short of the hole, or the scale isn't going down (you better ALWAYS be right on the age thing - everything else can be fixed with just the slightest movement of the left..). Kidding aside, it's time to get out the measuring cup or spoon, even a scale, if you're not getting the results you want. It's not that you're not eating the right things, but the amount you're eating not's right. When you get down to that last five or ten pounds, or find it difficult to maintain your weight, what seems like a normal portion could be off by a few bites, an ounce, or a handful; it's one thing to be a carrot, but more likely it's not, and over the course of a day, this can add up to 200-400 extra calories - and maybe this is several times a day. That's at least another twenty minutes of working out, and/or half of what should be the size of one of your snacks or meals. If you're stuck, trying weighing or measuring everything a few times, until your eyeball is more in line with reality. If that doesn't do the trick, try a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, or a half-cup instead of a whole one. Small changes add up to a great scorecard! Melissa