Sunday, April 18, 2010

Taking some time off...

I am going to take a hiatus from my blog for a few weeks; I am going to have some foot surgery (bunions) and hammertoe. When it's over I will be able to wear all thosse expensive beautiful shoes that I lust over every time I'm in a store - my husband is going to be overwhelmed and I am going to be estatic...just kidding, but anyway, at least I'll look good in my flip flops. During my time off I will have plenty of time to come up with some really good stuff to share with you; I'll also be driving everyone crazy because I can't drive, shop or work out...or take a shower - terrific...So, we will all be looking forward to my come back! Have a nice spring - keep up your workouts, watch what you eat and SMILE!! See you in June - Melissa

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's not all or nothing...

Over the last two weeks I have read several articles confirming the same report - women, as we get older, cannot eat a "normal" diet and maintain their weight without exercising moderately for one hour a day, seven days a week. This doesn't discourage me so much, because I know this to be true; you, on the other hand, might be discouraged if you are just starting an exercise program, or work full-time, or have kids at home (or ALL of it!!) and are doing good just to squeeze in thirty minutes 2-3 times a week. In fact, it can be very intimidating AND discouraging, which makes it even harder to make the effort.
The thing is, who do you know that eats a normal diet - and what is it? It used to be three square meals a day and heavy on the starches; then it was two light meals and one heavy one, all fat free, followed by eating six times a day, protein shakes, no carbs, and on and on. Point is, there really isn't a normal diet anymore, and most of us have made changes to our diet that, by choice, are healthier and better for us - most of the time. Because of this, and the more we do it, the less time we need to exercise for an hour a day, seven days a week - which, for a lot of people, is impossible to get. So, watch what you eat and how much you eat; put less on your plate, and make it all count. How much you can splurge depends on how much you can burn off, because that's how the weight is gained; your new "normal" is what you can do for yourself during the week that gets the job done - looking good and feeling good. Neither one comes without effort, and that effort does have to be made every day, but it all comes down to balance; if you don't have as much time to work off whatever extras you're putting on the plate, then don't put them on! Melissa
(BYW - this is true for the guys, too!!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Those pesky endorphins...

They are always around when you're happy; they're also always around when you are excited, exercising, extremely relaxed, and in love. Notice that these are all things that are good for you. Endorphins originate in the body through messages sent by your brain that you are treating yourself well and should be rewarded; the happier you are, the harder you are exercising, and the more in love you are, the more rewards you get. Endorphins act as pain relievers, so they enable you to push past physical pain and still feel good (as in a "runners high); eating spicy foods will also produce endorphins; personally, I would rather get them from all of the other sources first...So the next time you are working out hard with a smile on your face and thinking about the one you love, you'll be glad you got out there and got moving, because you'll be so elated - and remember, that's contagious! Melissa

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Simple Smile

Yesterday I read an article in the Dallas Morning News ( on SMILING! Smiling not only makes you a happier person, it makes everyone around you happier, AND you live longer! The study had been done on photos of baseball players who started playing before 1950; those with the biggest smiles lived an average of five years longer than other players. Of course, you're thinking, heck, if YOU'D played baseball for a living, you'd be smiling too!! But it's true - smiling makes you happier by improving your mood (it's the EASIEST way to improve your mood!); it releases endorphins (your feel good hormones), and boosts your seratonin levels (neurotransmitters in your brain that send messages to your body to put a smile on your face). People want to be around people that are happy, and smiling is contagious; you're more attractive when you smile, it lowers your stress, and helps you to stay positive. The best news is that it's so easy to do; in fact, do it right now! Melissa

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Eyeball

It's the same whether you're looking at the green from wherever your ball is at the moment, or guessing someone's age, or pouring a bowl of cereal (or, in my case, a glass of wine, haha!) - we underestimate because that's in our favor. Then we get mad because the ball is two inches short of the hole, or the scale isn't going down (you better ALWAYS be right on the age thing - everything else can be fixed with just the slightest movement of the left..). Kidding aside, it's time to get out the measuring cup or spoon, even a scale, if you're not getting the results you want. It's not that you're not eating the right things, but the amount you're eating not's right. When you get down to that last five or ten pounds, or find it difficult to maintain your weight, what seems like a normal portion could be off by a few bites, an ounce, or a handful; it's one thing to be a carrot, but more likely it's not, and over the course of a day, this can add up to 200-400 extra calories - and maybe this is several times a day. That's at least another twenty minutes of working out, and/or half of what should be the size of one of your snacks or meals. If you're stuck, trying weighing or measuring everything a few times, until your eyeball is more in line with reality. If that doesn't do the trick, try a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, or a half-cup instead of a whole one. Small changes add up to a great scorecard! Melissa

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Bunny or the Egg?

Well, the egg is a perfect protein; the standard against what other proteins are measured against. It is about 70 calories, and the best way to start your day. Studies have shown that when you start your day with an egg that you will eat less the rest of the day. Eggs are nutrient dense, full of vitamins, fat and proteins that are used by every part of your body to repair, rebuild and energize. The Chocolate bunny, on the other hand, is full of fat, sugar and antioxidants; while the anti-oxidants play an important role (they attack the free radicals that line your arteries and help reduce the chances of a heart attack), you get those benefits from a SMALL square of dark chocolate - that doesn't look much like a bunny! Starting your day with fat and sugar will make you slugglish; this same chocolate at the end of a day will relax you. So, have both! The egg starts your day; you'll be more productive, alert and energetic. The chocolate ends your day; it's a great way to put yourself in a good mood and relieve the stress from the day (just like red wine!); pounds multiply as fast as bunnies, though, so be careful!! Have a great weekend and I'll see you Monday - Melissa