Thursday, January 21, 2010

The good old days...

Remember Hi-C??? Well, it's grown up now, thanks to Clif (founder of the well-known Clif bar), AND it's the latest addition to the ever-expanding confusing world of enhanced water drinks. There are energy, vitamin, recovery, plain flavored, high calorie, low calorie, 0 calorie - pretty much anything you want. Many of these drinks have as their second ingredient high fructose corn syrup, which is an over-stimulated sugar that your body doesn't recognize, and therefore slows down the process that's supposed to benefit you. This sport drink from Clif uses cane sugar, a natural sugar that your body does recognize; it's also organic, has some electrolytes, and 90 calories for a 16oz. bottle (from the sugar, and also it's carbohydrate source). This is a perfect recovery drink after a hard, sweaty workout (so a SPORT drink). The first thing you need to do is replace fluid, salt and minerals lost through sweat and muscle exertion - in a liquid form, it's easily taken in and absorbed into the muscles, and quickly helps to restore the muscle and rehydrate the body. The faster you can get something into your system, the less fatigue and muscle soreness you will feel - paticularly the following day when you try to work out again. So, again, a great post-workout drink; as a water substitue during the day it's best to stick to a zero-calorie, flavored water, and get your calories from food sources. And the fruit punch (there are 14 flavors) DOES taste just like Hi-C!! Melissa