Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tis The Season - Part II

Pretty much starting from tonight, it is going to be non-stop festivities until New Year's Day - it will all be fun and it will all be fattening. Here are a few tips to help you (and remind me) of how to enjoy the season without gaining 10 pounds: 1) you probably will gain a couple, so don't panic - if you panic, you'll just eat more, and trust me, it won't make you feel better. Drink extra water and eat light and healthy when you're at home, and get your exercise time in - THIS will make you feel better; 2) Don't go to any party (or even dinner) hungry - a light fat/protein snack and a huge glass of water will stabilize your metabolism and let you have a little more control when it comes time to manage your splurge; this can be an apple with some peanut butter, a HANDFUL of nuts and a yogurt, a slice of cheese and 5 whole grain crackers, or even a small bowl of cereal or oatmeal. You know you won't be eating right away when you get to your party, and this will help you to pass on some of the nibbles. This is where you to want to start your plan for guiding you through the evening, however; you can get nuts, or party mix, or cheese any time of the year, so skip it now and go for something special - like that huge bowl of shrimp or that funny raw stuff everyone else likes but me; 3) look at the buffet or dinner menu before you start filling your plate, and decide what your five favorite things are - doesn't matter what you pick, but aim for five; put them on the smallest plate available and move away from the table or sit as far away as you can, eat slowly, and enjoy every bite; 4) if dessert is in the other room, don't even go in there (this won't work from me, but you can give it a try); same idea if you do go in there - aim for two or three things on a small plate, and have a bite or two of each (this is my plan)...good luck - this is always my downfall; and 5) after dessert, you are DONE - no going back for more, eating off someone else's plate, or taking any home - there is more where you are going tomorrow! This is a time when your host or hostess goes all out to make things special and especially good - it may take a little practice, but try to enjoy it all in moderation so that you will truly enjoy the festivities without any regret. And of course, if you blow it, walk an extra mile, drink more water, and try again the next night - you can do it! Melissa