Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Two...

So you made it through your first day, and now you're a little sore - but in good way. You didn't work out so hard yesterday that you can't move, but more of a feeling that you used some muscles that haven't been used in awhile, or used that way. You knew you needed to start exercising, and this proves it!! So, what to do today?
Well, something different; for example, a brisk walk and some light weights - introduce yourself to the gym floor, and if you don't remember how to use the equipment, or if, in fact, they DID get new equipment during your layoff, find a staff member to show you around. Make sure you let them know this is your first time back, and you need to remember this also - you aren't going to be able to pick up where you left off. The good news is that it won't take long to get back in shape; give yourself a couple of weeks to warm everything up, stretch it out, and get your heart rate up. Don't get down in the dumps or frustrated because you have to start from the beginning, or mad because you let so much time go by - it's too late for that. Be happy that you made the decision to get going again - it's never too late for that!